Friday, March 21, 2014

A Short Reflection...

When I'm in Brazil I can't worry about my friends in the same way I can as when I'm away from Brazil.  When I'm in Brazil each decision I make about taking my camera into controversial situations, seems like a big one when I'm making it, and an even bigger one when I get home, and allow myself to regret not having the footage.  One comfort is my accommodations in Rio.  There is a beautiful view of the beach, and each morning rain or shine, I can take a moment for reflection, and pray for guidance, just like I do in the peace of my own home.  Another comfort is that the empirical evidence that I bring to each viewer helps them to make more informed decisions about how they interpret the media, the politicians, the police, and the government in Brazil.

I go to a friend's house there and I initially "poo-poo" his decision to have his own personal bank in a cabinet, until I hear about "money laundering" crack downs in Rio.  I am a woman but I am still unbelievably naive about the world but I know that God watches over fools and children.

I am walking with my fear in one hand, and my camera in the other, and my eyes seeking to capture the p.o.v. of human to human.