Thursday, June 13, 2013


Its amazing the photos and video that I have been able to get considering how much of a non-mechanical person I am. However, I accept my limitations and I just heard good advice..."watch the how-to-videos on Youtube, over and over and over until you get what its trying to teach you" between trying this and my Canon EOS for Dummies, and Final Cut for Dummies...I have hope LOL I am going to repost this on my blog about my documentary

I posted the above statement on facebook, minutes ago.  I know words have power but what I meant is that inspight of my techno phobia, I have been blessed with wonderful synergy and excellent opportunities to "spy" on my favorite subject BRAZIL as it goes through an amazing time in its development.

Taking pictures  of workers taking a nap on construction sites...

Not taking pictures but making mental notes about huge city buses creating traffic jams on narrow winding roads in a favela.

Witnessing...with limited technical knowledge but thankful for the chance.

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